Soap for a Year to 600+ Students


€800,- RAISED

We thank our Fundraisers!

For each campaign, you can help complete its goal by becoming a Fundraiser. Simply go to an active campaign and choose “Start Fundraising”. Long-term Fundraisers get their own “Ambassador” page and a spot on our physical Wall of Changemakers located at our learning center, so your efforts will never be forgotten.

We thank all the donors!

All donors will receive an impact video by email.

Henk Broos
Gerry en Jan van Nijnatten
Cjm Donkers
Lea rombou
Eant Kabar
Fr Emm
Lotti Fraser
Jopie Traas Emmerik
Rene Emmerik
Gert Jan ter Haar
Mark Emmerik
Carla Rombouts
Nellie Slooter
Marijke De Graaf
Bert Emmerik
Adri van Tol
Hans Emmerik
Jeanne Tijs
Sandra vd Meij
Lia Van Gammeren-Emmerik
Dachelle van Nijnatten
Rian Aarts
Rian Van der Steen
Anita Van den Broek
Simone Kockx
Annie Heeren
Marion Emmerik
Philippe van Gammeren
Charlotte Van Gammeren
Michelle van Gammeren
Fre Van Gammeren
Cindel Ribbens
Petra de Jong-Snelders
Raúl von Liebenstein
Nicole Emmerik
Eric Emmerik
Corrie en Piet de Rooy


Impact lives today.
We count on you!

We ensure that 100% of your donation goes to your selected project. Each project is carefully designed to protect basic human rights.

You are a part of our team and keep you updated through photos and videos to make sure you know what’s happening. Will you help?